Continuous Emission Dioxins Sampler DECS

General Description:

DECS is the solution offered by CDL-Tecora for the continuous emission sampling of Dioxins, Furans (PCDD/PCDF),PCB and other POPs. According to EN 1948 and USEPA M23 standard, DECS adopts the filter/condenser method with adsorbing trap on wet gas.  The system is permanently installed on stack for continuous sampling from 6 hours up to 6 weeks.

DECS is MCERTS Certified for velocity from 2 to 35m/sec.

Technical Description: 

Micro pollutants sampler (PCDD/Fs, PCB, PAH) with Filter/Condenser method and adsorbing trap on wet gas in accordance with EN 1948 and USEPA M23 methods;
Up to 4 Sampling Units can be managed by a single Control Unit
Distance between Sampling and Control Units up to 100mt;
Fully automated sampling: no operator presence required;
Automatic preparation and cleaning;
Easy upgrade using the heated probe with outstack heated filter for solid phase and side sampling for heavy metals, mercury and acids.

+33 1 82 88 92 45 –