CAThIA dust and fibre sampling head
General description
This static device C.A.Th.l.A (Aerosol Inhalable Thoracic Alveolar Sensor) allows the sampling of particular ambient pollution for weight analysis or fibre counting.
Technical description
EN 481, ISO 7708 and FD CEN / TR 15230 (respirable, thoracic and alveolar aerosol fractions sampling). Its perfect capture efficiency of the chosen fraction eliminates the background noise generated by undesirable large particles.
Due to the homogeneous deposition of aerosols on the filter section, laboratory analysis is facilitated. C.A.Th.I.A is used with 4 sections cassettes. The 2 middle rings contain the filter is inserted in the sampling head, whereas the two covers are used for transport. This avoids any filter manipulation during installation and filter recovery.
As part of the sampling of asbestos fibers in the flocked premises, C.A.Th.l.A. equipped with its thoracic selector is in accordance with standard NF X 43-050. The required flow rate of 7 L /min reduces the duration of the discharges levies.