VOC Passive Sampler GABIE
General description:
The G.A.B.I.E badge (Gas Adsorbent Badges for Individual Exposure) is a passive sampler which allows simultaneous sampling of a multitude of organic gases and vapors, in order to determine the Average Exposure Values (TWA).
Technical description:
The volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the atmosphere are captured by diffusion at specific rate function of each substance and the badge’s geometry. VOCs are trapped on an adsorbent material (activated charcoal) located in the bottom of the badge. Sampling begins as soon as the badge is filled with activated charcoal and attached in the workers’s respiratory zone.
At the end of collection, the charcoal is poured into a vial and sent quickly to the laboratory, who performs desorption of the pollutants using a solvent and then analyzes this obtained pollution. The reliability of the G.A.B.I.E. was the subject of many tests following a rigorous protocol complying with the criteria of the European standard EN 838 to guarantee its performances. This protocol allows to verify the coherence of the sampling rates over given ranges of variation of airspeed, temperature, relative humidity and concentration of pollutant(s).